Glue Together & Paint Two Night Stands

Try stacking all kinds of shapes in order to configure a contemporary night stand.
Use spray paint to achieve slick, crisp surfaces that look professional.
       I glued together two modern looking night stands using two bottle caps, two spools and two empty tin cans that once held bee's wax. You could use a hot glue gun to stick these items together. I used a sticky wood glue. 
       In order for this glue to work on plastic and metal surfaces, it must be adhered to masking tape. So between each surface, I applied the tape. 
       Then I cleaned the tin cans thoroughly before masking them completely and spray painting the bottom halves of my night stands with blue paint.
       Remove the tape from the masked areas to reveal clean, crisp metal finishes and evenly painted surfaces on bottom!

Watch and see how to make more modern looking night stands.

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